Devlin, the foul-tempered, foul-tongued alcoholic vampire who drinks rum instead of blood, arrives back in The Bar after nearly exterminating a race of giant lizards with a taste for human flesh and killing a couple entities with the temerity to call themselves Gods, only to find himself mysteriously able to get drunk.
He remembered drinking with a so-called God, then must have passed out, and something was done to him. Something good, for once, in his opinion. The fact that his power is dwindling concerns him not as he drinks, golfs, and capers around Tampa in a drunken stupor.
But he’s got problems headed his way, as usual.
His friends are concerned and planning an intervention.
For sixty years aliens have been stranded on earth, but they kept busy implementing a plan to clear away the pesky natives with zombie greenskeepers and turn the planet into an intergalactic golf resort.
Someone, using a nom de plume, has written a book about Devlin that reads more like a romance novel. The Book takes serious liberties with the actual Devlin, who by the way, doesn’t glitter unless he’s been to the nudie bar.
Ben and Heckyl, in charge of the family fortune and without Devlin’s agreement, have signed a contract with a television production company to film a reality TV show based on Devlin’s day-to-day activities as a private investigator of abnormal occurrences.
Oblivious to what’s coming, Devlin buys a run-down, dismal golf course to use as his fortress of drunkitude and sets in motion a confrontation that will force him to make a painful decision.
It’s Devlin at his most angry in this latest novel, DEVLIN ABNORMAL INVESTIGATIONS Case File: Plan Fore From Outer Space
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