The indolent life of a wealthy, cynical, wisecracking talk radio host is invaded by a huge, garrulous interloper who claims to have invented an amazing device. Together they start a company based on his invention. When the existence of this technology becomes public, everyone wants it and are willing to do anything to get it. The link below will allow you to safely purchase an instant download link for $6. 00 Be advised, audiobooks are large, between 4 and five hundred megs per book. Maybe 7-8 hours of audio.
Har! You’ve done it this time you MENDICANT! You’ve penned a very clever Sci-fi story with enough twists and turns to make it tolerable. Thanks for keeping my brain entertained while the world burns with COVID. I do hope you are well and still writing! I need more Dunkin and Devlin stories!! Har!